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Seoul was our first stop on our long trip, and it was a great way to ease into it. After a long day of flying, we got an Uber to our place and slept like babies. We went out the next day and found out the subway was right next to our place, along with a ton of things to do. It was so easy to use the trains and subways to get where we needed. We explored pretty much the whole city since we were there for a week. From temples to malls and aquariums, street food, and tons of subways, to towers to see the whole city, and even doing a guided tour to learn some culture, Seoul was great in so many ways.

One of our favorite things we did was go to the Seoul Tower. Not only was the view amazing, and we actually got to see how big the city actually is, but we also got to lock our love on the bridge right under the tower. We got a heart-shaped lock, wrote our names and a little note, and locked it on with all the other ones!

Something that really surprised us was how cheap the food and trains were. We would get a super nice dinner with 2 meals, an appetizer, and drinks for $15. It was pretty crazy, and each train ride was only a few cents.

Some of the prettiest things you can see in Seoul are the temples. We went to many of them, and they are huge and so beautiful. The tour we did around one of them, we learned about how the rulers worked and what all the buildings and colors meant, and it was fascinating.


We took a train from Seoul to Busan, and it was actually quite comfortable and way easier to navigate than an airport. After the 2-hour ride, we got to our place right by the beach. When we made it out the first night, we noticed how clean and nice everything was. There were Bentleys and Rolls Royces everywhere, even stores to buy them right beside us. Just a little bit down the ways from our place was this super cool shopping street with tons of bars, arcades, restaurants, stores—everything you could imagine. We went to this street a few times before we left. Right next to that was the beach access that we could walk on to get anywhere. This had to be the prettiest beach I’d ever seen. It was so clean, and there was beautiful architecture everywhere. They really thought out everything while building this place. Busan was definitely the richer part of South Korea.

Right by us was Busan x the sky, which was a building you could go up to the 100th floor and see a 360-degree view of Busan and the ocean. We got there as soon as the sun was setting, and it was so beautiful. We definitely got lucky getting there when we did. They also had a Starbucks at the top, which is considered the highest Starbucks in the world!

Our trip consisted of a few more fun things, like the beach train, culture village, a gondola ride over the ocean, a bamboo forest, and a beautiful temple on the side of a mountain! All in all, South Korea was a great start to our trip, and I would definitely go back!