Most insane boat tour ever

Na Pali Cost is known for being one of the most beautiful places in Hawaii. Tucked away on the far left island called Kauai, the natural beauty of this place is extraordinary. You can see it from by boat or helicopter, or you’re welcome to do a very dangerous hike through it, with a permit of course. There is no road access because of how rugged the mountains are. The whole area is very isolated since it is so hard to go in and out of these insanely tall, cut our valleys. But this makes it all the more beautiful, the un touched rocks and waterfalls slowly changing all year long is perplexing to the human eye.

We took a boat tour early in the morning to experience Na Pali Coast for ourselves. This is something i would recommend to everyone, you get a taste of everything and you can savory unlike a 15 minute helicopter ride. After getting on the boat and making our way to the coast line, we saw two whales, a Mom and her baby, the mom was teaching the little one some tricks which made for a incredible show. We watched the baby breach the water a couple times and show off its sweet moves. After that we made it to the coast line where we were met by insanely beautiful cliffs that dropped right off into the ocean. There were also many caves down the coast that made it even more impressive. Our tour guide even backed the boat up into one of the caves which we were not expecting but pleasantly surprised to say the least. Our guides told us all about the history of the coast and all the tribes that used to live in the valleys and their rituals of throwing the kings off the mountain when they died as a sacrifice to the sacred land. After we explored up and down the coast we headed back where we ran into hundreds of spinner dolphins. The sight was so beautiful, they would jump so high and spin super fast showing off their skills. It was a sight I’ll never forget. This boat ride was probably my favorite experience in Hawaii and I will definitely do it again!

|February 8th, 2024|, , |

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